Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thanks a Lot

This is my 2008's thanks:
-mother nature- sun in November is awesome
-we the people- Obama
-ma, pa, Kris and the rest of the fam
-Kathy Griffin- you make Palin fun...or funny...or make fun of her. D) All of the above, final answer.
-UW teams that win
-Scinnomon Ladypants
-friends, friends, friends and friends
-Mini Vans
-Ms. Keys
-Vegas' most awesome married ladies
-Top makes Cori smile. Among other things, cough cough, carmy
-the one and only, Tommie Girl
-Americanos with eggnog
-sister's heart
-advances in medicine
-Coldplay's lyrics
-my round feet
-the peeps at my j.o.b.
-my mom's awesomeness at Cranium. Square, square, square.....rectangle.
-homes with two rooms
-Tina Fey
-February 1st, 2008
-JoeJoe's kitchen masterpieces

Cheers to's to 09

1 comment:

BreDub3 said...

I heart Tina Fey. She is frickin' hilarious.